About Plans
The options currently offered to active Employees and to Retirees who are not eligible for Medicare is the Self-funded Preferred Provider Organization Plan (or “PPO Plan”) operated through Blue Cross and a health maintenance organization plan (“HMO”): Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. The options currently offered to Retirees who are eligible for Medicare are the Self-funded PPO Plan (medical only – no prescription benefits) and the Kaiser Senior Advantage Plan.
You or your provider may call the Trust Fund Office, United Administrative Services, at (408) 288-4400, to confirm your eligibility status or for information about the benefits payable under the Plan.
Our Plans
We understand the administration of employee plans

Self-funded PPO
The self-funded Plan currently uses Blue Cross of California as the Preferred Provider Organization.

Kaiser HMO
Eligible members will receive medical, hospital, and surgical care from Kaiser.
Our Plan Providers
Bay Area Roofers Healthcare Plan Providers
Trust Fund Office
United Administrative Services
6800 Santa Teresa Blvd Ste 100
San Jose, CA 95119
United Administrative Services
6800 Santa Teresa Blvd Ste 100
San Jose, CA 95119
Kaiser Permanente
Northern California Region
1950 Franklin St
Oakland, CA 94612
Northern California Region
1950 Franklin St
Oakland, CA 94612
Vision Service Plan
3333 Qualify Dr
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
3333 Qualify Dr
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Delta Dental of California
(Locals 95 & 40 Only)
3333 Qualify Dr
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(Locals 95 & 40 Only)
3333 Qualify Dr
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Beat It Program, Inc.
PO Box 20896
San Jose, CA 95160
PO Box 20896
San Jose, CA 95160
Blue Cross Prudent Buyer Plan
21555 Oxnard St
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
21555 Oxnard St
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Sun Life and Health Insurance Company
175 Addison Rd
Windsor, CT 06095-0725
175 Addison Rd
Windsor, CT 06095-0725
CRX International
P.O. Box 44650
Detroit, MI 48244-0650
P.O. Box 44650
Detroit, MI 48244-0650